Sept. 21, 2016
New! Two-Week Extension to 2016 Small Group (1-50) Open Enrollment Begins Nov. 1
Beginning Nov. 1, small businesses (groups with 1-50 employees) purchasing ACA/Metallic plans, may waive participation and contribution through Dec. 15, 2016, for the open enrollment period for Jan.1 and 15, 2017 effective dates.
The two-week extension to the no participation and contribution requirements period allows more time for processing January 2017 effective dates. The Underwriting team will continue to validate that new business accounts represent valid small employer groups.
Note: The “No Contribution” and “No Participation” options are only available for new groups applying for coverage during the annual open enrollment period. Small groups must complete and submit the required paperwork to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, between Nov. 1 and Dec. 15.
If paperwork is received Dec. 16, or later,
standard small group participation and contribution levels will apply.
For more information, please contact your Texas Small Group Account Management Unit.