Oct. 26, 2016
Average Employee Count (AEC) Reminder Emails to Be Sent This Week (15-250 Groups)
The AEC update applies to employer groups with 15 – 250 employees.
The end of the year is right around the corner. As such, your assistance is needed in reminding your groups to complete the 2015 Average Employee Count information through the Regulatory Data widget on Blue Access for EmployersSM (BAESM). Groups are asked to complete it as soon as possible to avoid the end of the year tasks. The data that we collect helps us complete required regulatory reports.
A reminder email will be sent shortly to non-responders, asking them to go to BAE and complete the information. It is important to have all of your groups update their contact information, including email addresses through BAE.
Remember, there is also a new dedicated phone number for Medical Loss Ratio. Groups can call 855-804-3635, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT.