March 22, 2017
Update: New Standard SBC Tool Available this Week (1-150 Groups and Retail)
As of the evening of March 24, 2017, the new online Standard Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) Tool is expected to be available. The new Standard SBC Tool will enable external users to yield quicker and more successful standard SBC search results.
When live (expected on March 24), the new Standard SBC Tool can be accessed here.
Please note: When the new Standard SBC Tool is implemented, updated SBCs will no longer be generated in Blue Access for ProducersSM (BAPSM) and Blue Access for EmployersSM (BAESM). However, a link to the new Standard SBC Tool can be found in BAP or BAE by following a few steps:
The instructions for retrieving standard SBCs online have been updated and include a link to the new Standard SBC Tool. While these instruction documents will be mailed to producers and employers, the most important details added to the documents are outlined below:
*Note: Per a government mandate, any group’s open enrollment period that begins on, or after, April 1, 2017 must use this document type.
Other upcoming standard SBC updates will be shared in News from the Blues.