Blue Review
A Medicaid Provider Newsletter

October 2017

Use Your Influence to Fight Childhood Obesity

A report presented by the American Heart Association states that one in three U.S. children are overweight or obese. Current trends show that children are becoming overweight earlier in life. This alarming trend is putting children at a greater risk for diseases that were once only seen in adults. The common diseases now affecting U.S. children are Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

Fortunately, childhood obesity can be prevented. Here are a few suggestions you can offer your younger patients and their parents that will make a difference in their overall health and wellness:

  • Become active outside: Walk around the neighborhood, go on a bike ride or play at the park.
  • Limit screen time: Keep screen time to two hours or less a day (time spent on the computer, phone, watching TV and playing video games).
  • Make healthy meals: Buy and eat more vegetables, fruits and whole-grain foods. Eating fruits and vegetables has many health benefits, such as added vitamins and minerals. People who eat a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables can lower their risk of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and even some types of cancer.

Fruits and Veggies – More Matters!
Here are some ideas to help families incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their children’s lives:

  • Keep a bowl of fruit and vegetables handy where the whole family can see it.
  • Cut up fruits and veggies ahead of time so they’re available for quick, healthy snacks.
  • Challenge children to try a new veggie or fruit every week. Be creative with the presentation and try to make the fruit and veggies look fun.

Health care providers, especially primary care physicians, have a tremendous influence over their young patients’ lives. Sharing this information with your patients can help lead them to healthier diet and exercise choices. Even the smallest effort can have the biggest impact on the childhood obesity epidemic in the U.S.