Blue Review
A Medicaid Provider Newsletter

February 2017

Texas Health Steps – Referral Guidelines for Physical/Developmental Delay

Have you identified a patient who has a suspected physical and/or developmental delay?

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) recommends that health care providers who identify or suspect a delay use the following guidelines1 to make a referral:

  • Birth through 35 months: The provider must refer to Early Childhood Intervention, as soon as possible, but no longer than seven days after identified, even if also referring to an appropriate specialist.
  • Ages 3 years and older: The provider is encouraged to refer to the appropriate school district program, even if also referring to an appropriate specialist.

Providing early referrals is one of the best ways to ensure your patients receive appropriate and timely interventions. Access the many assessment and screening tools that are available to assess a child’s or adolescent’s development; please remember to utilize the Periodicity Schedule for appropriate age use for these forms. Upon referring your patients, be sure to document the referral and timeframe for follow-up.

Thank you for your continued commitment to caring for our shared members, your patients.