Nov. 15, 2017
Instructions for Downloading 2018 Group Summaries of Benefits and Coverage from the Standard SBC Tool (1-150 Groups)
Some questions and concerns regarding the availability and download of 2018 Group Summaries of Benefits and Coverage (SBCs) within the Standard SBC Tool have recently come to our attention. To yield a successful search result in the Tool, follow the directions below.
After logging into the Tool, the user must first choose Group 2017 New in the Document Type field dropdown and then click Next Step. The second bullet point in the content underneath this field serves as a reminder to choose this document type when searching for 2018 Group SBCs.
Note: Although the name of this document type includes a specific year, please note that both the 2017 and 2018 Group SBCs can be found using it.
When the next search window appears, choose 2018 for the Plan Year field and then conduct your search as normal by filling out the required Corporate Entity, Plan ID and/or Plan Name fields.
Any updates made to the Standard SBC Tool process or download instructions will be shared in future articles.
In the meantime, if you continue having trouble finding a 2018 Group SBC in the Standard SBC Tool, you may send an inquiry to