July 5, 2017
Blue Balance FundedSM Now Available for Quoting Online; Plus Webinar Training and Initial Quotes
Initial quotes for the Blue Balance Funded program are now available online via the eSales Tools for groups with 10-50 enrolled employees. However, groups with 51-100 employees will need to request a Blue Balance Funded program quote from their sales executive, since it will be provided by Underwriting.
Blue Balance Funded is an Administrative Services Only suite of services available to employer groups with as few as 10 enrolled employees*, featuring administrative services, stop loss policy, claims adjudication and predictable monthly payments.**
Fully Insured Small Group (1-50) Quoting Available Online Only
As of June 2017, the online ACA Small Group Quoting Tool is the only method used to quote fully insured groups. Accessed within eSales Tools, the quoting tool allows you to:
Learn How Easy It Is to Quote Blue Balanced Funded
Attend one of the live webinars below to see the features and benefits that the Blue Balance Funded program offers and how easy it is for you to generate quick quotes for your employer groups.
Live Webinars on July 18
Join us live using the information below or go to Blue Access for ProducersSM online and access Webinars within the Group Training & Admin section to view the recorded webinar after the event.
AM Session 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. Producer Webinar (this session is for general agents only)
Blue Balance Funded Training Webinar
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Meeting number: 625 961 198
Add to Calendar: hcsc.webex.com
When it's time, join the meeting: hcsc.webex.com
Join by Phone: Please call five minutes prior to the start of the conference call and enter your passcode.
Call: 877-440-4272 U.S. toll free or 847-330-5775 (toll)
Passcode: 6459 774#
Trouble joining the meeting? https://help.webex.com/docs/DOC-5412
PM Session 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Producer Webinar (this session is for all producers)
Blue Balance Funded Training Webinar
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
1 p.m. – 2 p.m. CT
Meeting number: 626 952 376
Add to Calendar: hcsc.webex.com
When it's time, join the meeting: hcsc.webex.com
Join by Phone: Please call five minutes prior to the start of the conference call and enter your passcode.
Call: 877-440-4272 U.S. toll free or 847-330-5775 (toll)
Passcode: 9920 616#
Trouble joining the meeting? https://help.webex.com/docs/DOC-5412
For additional information or for help using the quoting tool, call 800-399-5831.
*The minimum enrollment of 10 employees (beginning with Sept. 1, 2017, effective dates) or 75 percent enrollment of the employees eligible for coverage (whichever is greater) with at least 12 months of prior group coverage and meet specific eligibility criteria. Maximum enrollment is 100 employees.
**The amount of the monthly payment may fluctuate depending on the number of enrolled employees. It is recalculated each year and is subject to change. Employers are solely responsible for taxes and fees, and obtaining and paying for their own accounting and legal services.